Pitch Parties Post Agent

One of the biggest pitch parties of the year just came and went… I’ve got the blues a bit.

I like participating in online events. I miss it.

Don’t feel too sorry for me though since I do have an agent now, who’s fabulous. It occurred to me that I should find ways to participate even though I’m not competing. So if you’ve got the post pitch blues here are some solid ways to stay involved and connected during these events:

  1. Need I say you can still talk to people? You can reply, respond, and retweet to support your fellow writers. Just don’t like the pitches of course.
  2. You can still find new friends. If you’re in the hashtag you can switch to recent and follow like minded folks.
  3. Help out beforehand by offering to perfect a pitch with someone. I remember having a more experience writer offer to help me and it was invaluable. Now you have the opportunity to pass it on within our amazing writing community.

Hopefully these ideas get you excited about participating in a pitch party even if you aren’t pitching anymore. Here is Slush Pile Story’s running list of all the pitch parties in case you want to check out all the fun:

Most Popular Twitter Pitch Parties for Writers

Happy Questing!

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