DIY Pom Pom Garland

Like it or not Christmas is coming up! I wanted to share a great garland DIY to decorate your home for the holidays.

There is an easy way to create multiple pom poms at one time.  If you flip a chair upside down and loop the string around two of the legs this gives you the ability to make many pom poms at one time.

Pom pom garland 1.jpg
Creating Pom Poms

Pom pom garland2.jpg

Choose any colors you like, I chose some fun colors to add some bright color to our tree.  You can also use this garland for party decorations!

After you have all of your pom poms cut out you then can take a piece of string attach a piece of wire to it so you can stick it through the middle of the pom poms.  Thread all of your pom poms through and then space them however you would like.


Pom Pom Garland

Be careful because it is easily tangled, I had a little bit of trouble with tangles when I moved it downstairs.  I would wrap it around a piece of cardboard to prevent it from tangling.

Here is the finished product on our Christmas Tree.

DIY Pom Pom Garland

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